
Давайте учить английский
Изучение языка - это путешествие в страну нового и интересного, свобода разговаривать с носителями и не чувствовать себя глухонемым в их компании. Но за частую процесс изучения отбивает всю охоту. Я расскажу о том, как это делать приятно и с пользой.
Автор: gatita Создан: 4 февраля 2013 в 18:26 Всего записей в блоге: 87 Репутация: 38
I am finally backОпубликовано: 6 мая 2013 в 14:59 | 1 |
RIP to my ex-computer and hope one day I can get my files and pictures back.
What's up with your English?
How are you doing?
Tired of working? Wanna have a daz off?
Follow this advice...
Two factory workers are talking.
The woman says, «I can make the boss give me the day off.»
The man replies, «And how would you do that?»
The woman says, «Just wait and see.» She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.
The boss comes in and says, «What are you doing?»
The woman replies, «I'm a light bulb.»
The boss then says, «You've been working so much that you've gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.»
The man starts to follow her and the boss says, «Where are you going?»
The man says, «I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark.»
When you come home you can sit down in the comfortable armchair and practice your English pronuncation and here is the video
And when you get tired you can relax with this awesome video
(not for practice but for remembering in what a beautiful city we live)
And then maybe you will feel like watching a good movie and here it is
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