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Изучение языка - это путешествие в страну нового и интересного, свобода разговаривать с носителями и не чувствовать себя глухонемым в их компании. Но за частую процесс изучения отбивает всю охоту. Я расскажу о том, как это делать приятно и с пользой.
Автор: gatita Создан: 4 февраля 2013 в 18:26 Всего записей в блоге: 87 Репутация: 38
A message to YOU!Опубликовано: 8 апреля 2013 в 16:28 | 0 |
When I was a kid I brought relief to my family by taking their painful concerns and alkalizing them into comedy. And they enjoyed watching me play. Most of the time. Later my career in show business blossomed after I made the conscious decision to serve the audience what I thought they really needed to see, someone who is carefree in the world and treats it all with a healthy dose of irreverence. Yes, that’s how I meant to say it. Since very early in my memory the real thrill in my life wasn’t personal recognition as much as knowing that I could affect people in a positive way and have fun doing that. Before I had the money I used to write “Have a nice day” on twenty dollar bills and leave them where I knew people in need would find them. I didn’t wait around to see their smiles I just was satisfied knowing that for one brief moment they might feel a little bit lucky. As time passed my interest in people’s welfare has grown, but for me living in this world will always be a game the object of which is to create as much good will as possible. I realize now more than ever that the most valuable commodity in life is the feeling you get when you give. Compassion is the currency that leads to true wealth. I created better you so I could continue to expand my awareness of what people need to relief or prevent suffering wherever possible and to offer kind of assistance that allows people to grow towards independence and self-actualization. And a healthy dose of irreverence.
As soon as i finished watching I was all covered with creeps. So simple words combined together gave a birth to such a deep meaning. The main sense of all our life is loving others and serving them. This is the general principle of happiness. In other words any other way of being happy can only be based on egoism and leads to a dead end (I am sorry for my personal opinion) and this is about wanting more for oneself, having instead of giving and sharing. Being rich in material or in spiritual sense this is the choice of every human he has to make. Many of us think when I gain more money/become more successful/richer than now I will help no doubts. But giving or sharing is not only about material values it is about being kind and having compassion and sympathy, listening someone's problems and inspiring, having faith in someone whom you love etc. There are many options just choose at least one that suits you and follow...and be happy and help others to be happy as well… or at least keep out of the way!
movie clip
Jim Carrey
Kate Winslet
Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
It will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's got to learn sometime
Everybody's got to learn sometime
Everybody's got to learn sometime
Change your heart
Look around you
Change your heart
Will astound you
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's got to learn sometime
Everybody's got to learn sometime
Everybody's got to learn sometime
I need your lovin'
Like the sunshine
Everybody's got to learn sometime...
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