
Давайте учить английский
Изучение языка - это путешествие в страну нового и интересного, свобода разговаривать с носителями и не чувствовать себя глухонемым в их компании. Но за частую процесс изучения отбивает всю охоту. Я расскажу о том, как это делать приятно и с пользой.
Автор: gatita Создан: 4 февраля 2013 в 18:26 Всего записей в блоге: 87 Репутация: 38
Bloody or damn?Опубликовано: 2 апреля 2013 в 12:34 | 0 |
«Bloody» — is commonly used in Britain and in the Commonwealth, Americans would prefer — «damn», это означает чертов, ну и все производные отсюда. Не… мы сегодня не ругаться учиться будем, а различать американский от британского).
Никак у меня не получилось вставить суюда табличку, но вот здесь есть список.
Про schedule британцы скажут – шедууул, а американцы – скеджьул.
Я бы сюда еще добавила beauty parlor (AE) and beauty saloon (BE), gasoline station (AE) and petrol staion (BE), а еще siblings (AE) and brothers and sisters (BE), и чуть не забыла колготки — tights (BE) and pantyhose (AE), TV-Show (AE) and Series (BE).
Spelling differences
In general, where there are differences between British English (BE) and American English (AE) spelling, it can be said that American English has the more economical and phonetic spelling. Unnecessary letters are left out and words are spelled how they sound. An obvious example is the omission in AE of the letter u in words such as color, neighbor, honor etc. Compare also the AE words traveling, jewelry and program with their BE counterparts travelling, jewellery and programme. However, this rule does not always apply. For example, you would expect skilful to be the AE spelling and skillful the BE spelling, but unfortunately you would be wrong!
British English and American English grammar are mostly in agreement; there are however some interesting variations. For example there are differences in certain verb forms. In AE the past tense of fit is fit; in BE it is fitted. Americans say I've gotten to know her well; Britons I've got to know her well. In BE the present perfect tense is used for situations in which AE would typically use the past simple. For example using the words just or already, Britons would be more likely to say: I've just seen him or I've already done it whereas in AE it would be common to hear I just saw him or I already did it (ликуйте!).
As another example, Americans are much more likely to be technically correct in the agreement of collective noun and verb form than Britons. So in standard AE it would be: The team is playing well this season whereas in BE it is common and acceptable to say The team are playing well. Similar differences can be seen in the use of words like government, committee etc.: The government is… (AE), The government are… (BE).
In total I would say I am more British than American, although after a great amount of TV-Shows (AE) my pronuncation tends to have american accent.
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