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Изучение языка - это путешествие в страну нового и интересного, свобода разговаривать с носителями и не чувствовать себя глухонемым в их компании. Но за частую процесс изучения отбивает всю охоту. Я расскажу о том, как это делать приятно и с пользой.
Автор: gatita Создан: 4 февраля 2013 в 18:26 Всего записей в блоге: 87 Репутация: 38
Бесценный подарок...Опубликовано: 21 февраля 2013 в 20:46 | 1 |
Сегодня поговоим о самом главном...
Imagine, if you will — a gift (подарок). I'd like for you to picture it in your mind (представить в уме). It's not too big -- about the size of a golf ball. So envision (вообразите) what it looks like all wrapped up (завернутый). But before I show you what's inside, I will tell you, it's going to do incredible (невероятные) things for you. It will bring (соберет всю семью) all of your family together. You will feel loved and appreciated (будете чувствоват себя любимыми и нужными) like never before and reconnect (воссоединитесь) with friends and acquaintances you haven't heard from in years. Adoration and admiration (восхищение и обожание) will overwhelm (переполнит) you. It will recalibrate (отрегулирует) what's most important in your life.
It will redefine (переопределит) your sense of spirituality (духовности) and faith (веры). You'll have a new understanding and trust (доверять) in your body. You'll have unsurpassed (непревзойденный) vitality (живость) and energy. You'll expand (расширите) your vocabulary,meet new people, and you'll have a healthier lifestyle. And get this -- you'll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing. You'll eat countless (бесчисленные) gourmet meals (лакомства). Flowers will arrive by the truckload (грузовик). People will say to you, «You look great. Have you had any work done?» And you'll have a lifetime supply of good drugs.
You'll be challenged, inspired (вдохновленный), motivated and humbled (шокированный). Your life will have new meaning. Peace, health, serenity (ясность), happiness, nirvana. The price? $55,000, and that's an incredible deal.
By now I know you're dying to know what it is and where you can get one. Does Amazon carry it? Does it have the Apple logo on it? Is there a waiting list? Not likely. This gift came to me about five months ago. It looked more like this when it was all wrapped up -- not quite so pretty. And this, and then this. It was a rare gem -- a brain tumor (опухоль мозга), hemangioblastoma --the gift that keeps on giving (который продолжает одаривать).
And while I'm okay now, I wouldn't wish this gift for you. I'm not sure you'd want it. But I wouldn't change my experience. It profoundly altered (изменить) my life in ways I didn't expect in all the ways I just shared with you.
So the next time you're faced (столкнуться) with something that's unexpected, unwanted and uncertain,consider that it just may be a gift.
И еще о различиях между trust and faith, так как оба слова переводятся как вера.
Faith — более всеобъемлюшее слово и включает в себя trust. Оно носит в себе религиозную окраску и подразумевает веру не требующую какиг-либо доказательств.
Trust — это то что основывается на каких-либо фактах или вашем личном опыте или переживаниях. Один из вариантов перевода — доверие.
А вот и история на тему этих двух слов....
Often, we get confused on the difference between Trust and Faith…
Allow me to clear this difference with an illustration.
Once at a circus, there was this rope walker who showed us his amazing skills by walking on a rope from one end to the other. When he reached the other end, there was a huge sound of applause by the audience. The rope walker simply smiled. This time, he decided to blindfold himself and walk on the rope. Everyone was amazed upon him reaching the other end without falling off and gave him a bigger round of applause. He then asked the audience if they trusted him and the reply came YES!, we do! since they now trusted him on his magnificent skills, he now decided to carry a chair on his shoulders being blindfolded and walk the rope. Upon him reaching the end of the rope, there was a standing ovation and a louder round of applause for him. The audience was once again amazed by the rope walker.
He now said, you all trust me! He then asked “Who is willing to sit on that chair above my shoulders?”…there was pure silence!!! He said the person who is willing to take that chance is the one who has complete Faith in me.
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for & certain of what we do not see.”
I have faith in you. You are the best students and I know you are better from day to day and trying your best to improve your English. Good luck.
Спасибо Вам за доброту и приятный отзыв! Очень мотивирует, буду и дальше стараться от всей души радовать и быть полезной!
Автор: gatita22 февраля 2013 в 13:05
Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут оставлять отзывы.
Очень полезный блог!Ради этого стоило зарегистрироваться,- чтобы быть в курсе происходящего и по возможности комментировать. Теперь предстоит пролистать всё с начала, где то с 4 февраля:-)
Автор: Alex2522 февраля 2013 в 11:23